The President opened the meeting at 5.45pm


There were 18 members in attendance, and 2 visitors, making a total of 20. 


Joseph Norris Payne                             Ralph Cestero

Christine Carty                         Barbara Owen

Jackie Cestero                                      Kathy Haskins

Michelle Owen-Vasilis              Jackie Pascher             

Amy Williams                                       Lynn Bartlett

Ann Parles [Straw Hat Restaurant]              Jamien Carter

Monica Trimble                                    Jaxon Arnold

Rakev Webster                                    Muriel Richardson

Alex Ballin                                            Anita Richardson                                             


Apologies were received from Suzan Donahue, Patrick Vanterpool, Jacquie Connor, Kim Straubing, Aileen Smith and Joan Hill.


Visitors present were Geri Biddle and Yolanda Arnold.


The President opened the second annual general meeting by offering the opening prayer.


The agenda for the evening was approved by Jackie Cestero and seconded by Amy Williams.


The Secretary read the minutes of the first Annual General Meeting of July 29th 2002.  There were no amendments and the minutes were approved by Dr. Cestero and Lynn Bartlett.


There were no matters arising from the minutes.


The President•s• Report :-


The President welcomed everyone to the meeting, and thanked Mrs. Cestero (Communications Chair), for helping him with the preparation of his report.  A copy of this report is included in the minute book for the official record. 


Mr. Payne presented a detailed account of the year•s• events, providing statistics on memberships and animals.  He thanked the numerous people and organizations who had helped to make the year so successful. He mentioned the new alliances with Puppy Angels and the Pegasus Foundation, both of these foundations had assisted with the funding of the successful Spay and Neuter Clinic held in July, 2003.  Reference was also made of the work Puppy Angels is doing to find loving homes for some of Anguilla•s• rescued animals, specially mentioned were people and businesses who had helped to transport these animals to the United States.  Concluding, the President hoped that the organization would strive to continue to improve the quality of life for all of the animals in Anguilla.





The Treasurer’s Report :-


Mr. Payne handed over the floor to the Treasurer, Mrs. Barbara Owen.  Mrs. Owen presented a detailed Treasurer•s• report as of December 31st, 2002.  This report had been prepared and reviewed by the accounting firm of KPMG.  The report showed assets of

EC$ 16,506.87, represented by EC$12,474.59 in cash and EC$4,032.28 in inventory and equipment.  Mrs. Owen mentioned that once again, KPMG had given their services free of charge.

Mr. Payne thanked Mrs. Owen for her work as treasurer over the past two years, mentioning that the treasurer was the backbone of any organization.  He asked for a round of applause for both Mrs. Owen and KPMG.


Special Award :-


The President spoke about a young, student member of AARF who had shown dedication by volunteering for almost every fund event held during the year, especially mentioned was the  contribution this young person had made at the Spay and Neuter clinic.  Mr. Payne asked Jaxson Arnold to come forward to be presented with a framed certificate and a gift voucher for US$25.00 from Ellie’s Record Shop.  Jaxson was given a resounding round of applause.


Mr. Payne also gave special thanks to Mrs. Anita Richardson for her fund-raising efforts.


New Officers :-


Mr. Payne handed over the floor to Dr. Cestero, who with the help of Mrs. Kathy Haskins, conducted the ballot to confirm the new Officers for the year 2003-04.


The results were as follows:


Mr. Joseph Norris Payne                                  President

Mrs. Christine Carty                                         Vice President

Mrs. Jacqueline Cestero                                   Treasurer

Mrs. Suzan Donahue                                        Secretary

Ms. Jacqueline Pascher                         Elected Ordinary Member

Mr. Jamien Carter                                            Elected Ordinary Member


Also balloted for and approved was for the Accounting firm of KPMG to be the official Auditor for the organization.


On closing, Mr. Payne said that it had been a pleasure to work with the out-going Executive Committee, he welcomed the new members and hoped they would be dedicated and strive  to accomplish the goals of the Society.


There being no other business the President called for the meeting to be adjourned.

Dr. Cestero seconded this motion.  The meeting closed at 6 45pm. 

The members gathered in the lobby for light refreshments.