The meeting minutes in PDF are here.


The 2007 Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday, August 23rd at Roy•s• Bayside Grill. The meeting began at 5:30 PM and was attended by 23 AARF members and supporters. Following are the minutes OF that meeting.

The sixth annual general meeting of the Anguilla Animal Rescue Foundation was held at Roy’s Bayside Restaurant on Thursday August 23, 2007 at 5:30 PM.   

AARF President, Chris Carty, welcomed everyone to the meeting and led the audience in the AARF official prayer.  

“Almighty God, we come together this evening to thank you for the beauty and glory of your creation. Help us as members of this organization to protect the animals that we shelter. Help us to make wise decisions, always keeping their welfare our true priority and while they are in our care help us to show them our compassion and love. “ Amen

 The agenda was approved by Maggie Mitchell and seconded by Amy Williams.  

There were 22 members in attendance. 

 Alex Ballin                              Lynn Bartlett                           Mark Baumwell

Sally Baumwell                      Roger Bellers                        Christine Carty         

Simone Connor                     Reggie Daniels                     Kim Fleming             

Maria Forman                       Jeanette Giemza                  John Giemza            

Gayle Gurvey                         Joan Hill                                Madeline Kelly - Perez

Margaret Mitchell                Michele Morland                 Jackie Pascher        

Muriel Richardson                 Estelle Slade                      Amy Williams            

Suzie Donahue

 In lieu of reading the minutes of the fifth Annual General Meeting of August 30, 2006, the minutes were circulated to the membership to be read prior to the meeting. A correction was made in the spelling of member Roger Bellers’ last name that was misspelled as Bellows. There were no other corrections or amendments and the minutes were approved by Amy Williams and seconded by Lynn Bartlett.   

There were no other matters arising from the 2006 minutes. 

President Chris Carty then introduced Jackie Pascher who gave the following Treasurer•s• report.  

“For purposes of this financial statement all figures are expressed in U.S. Dollars.  All EC Transactions have been converted using an exchange rate of $2.68.

For 2006 we had:

Income      $41,174.27

Expenses  $30,524.98

Surplus     $10,649.30                                                                                               

Our bank balances as of 12/31/06 were:

Checking Accounts:  $1,217.15

Savings Account:   $27,920.36                                                             

Our Income includes merchandise sales, general donations, drop box donations, fund raising activities, membership dues, and adoption fees.

Our Expenses include payments to Morlens Veterinary Clinic for spay and neuters, room & board, medical care for animals brought in for adoption, printing of T shirts, expenses for fund-raising events and marketing and office expenses. 

In March 2006 we moved our savings account from Scotia Bank to National Bank of Anguilla where we now get 3% interest rather than 1%.  For 2006 we received a total of $578.22 in interest.

With the successful fund raising events of 2006 and the generous donations from our friends and visitors we have had a successful year resulting in more animals being spayed & neutered than in previous years.  We thank all of you for your continued support and for volunteering at our events.” 

President Carty informed the attendees that each committee chairman was more knowledgeable than the president to report on the year•s• activities and they would make presentations to the audience instead of herself. She also announced that if anyone had any questions to ask them after the committee report.


Education Committee:  

Lynn Bartlett, chairman of the Education Committee, reported - this past year her committee succeeded in accomplishing the Kathy Melby Education Project of the Year. The memorial program was established as a way to honor Kathy and her love for the animals on Anguilla. The project takes place at Road Elementary and the focus was on the 4th grade class of Teacher Juanita. The children selected their choice of medium-paint, markers, crayons and the activity of posters, stories or puppet show. The 12, one hour sessions a week were prompted with information, discussions and the creating of the projects. Most of the 22 students painted pictures with the theme of Animal care or Preventing Animal Cruelty. Three young boys decided to put on a puppet show and they made up the puppets, script and props. The story centered on taking good care of pets and what they needed for proper care. Each student shared their project and the highlight was the puppet show. Many thanks to the Kathy Melby family for their continued support. 

The education committee has also been responsible for the kid•s• activity page in the Anguillian Newspaper, designed by Diane Sheehan. The page has some information about animals, and several different kinds of activities including cross word puzzles, word searches, coloring page, etc.  Although it hasn’t been in the paper on a regular basis, we have been reassured that it will continue. 

The environmental group at Campus B requested some information from the AARF committee so a meeting with them was set up in the Spring. I went and talked to a group of about 35 students and told them about AARF and what the organization does. We had  great questions and discussions afterwards. The group wanted to participate in a joint project so a proposal was given to the president, Clarissa, and she is suppose to present it to the club and respond once school s back in session.   

The education committee needs some more volunteers to go into the schools and clubs. I am willing to share my lessons and materials and assist wherever necessary. So if you’re interested, please sign up. Thank-you. 

Communications Committee:  

Suzie Donahue gave the following report regarding the Communications Committee: “This year has been a busy one for AARF and the website had been a focal point for those interested in learning more about our organization. Our quarterly newsletter has expanded to include several different features including the member spotlight, education corner and happy tales.

We continue to solicit donations through our emails and our recent project to collect collars and leashes for our adoptee program has generated a very good response. We would especially like to thank those of you that participated in this donation program!  

Our adoptees are often featured in emails, as well as other AARF related news concerning adoption days, lost animals, hurricane tips, fundraising and other  AARF projects and meeting notices.  

Communications has also been responsible for writing thank you notes for donations to our fundraising projects such as bingo, yard sales, the Lehigh fund and for other general donations to AARF and this past year over 100 thank you letters were sent out. We really appreciate those of you that are happy to accept acknowledgment of a donation via email! 

AARF continues to contribute articles to Anguilla Life Magazine and subjects have included dogs, cats, adoptions and even goats as topics! We value the opportunity to be a part of this publication and thank member, Claire Devener for her continuing efforts to showcase AARF. 

The radio stations have presented adverts concerning lost animals, adoption days and other pertinent information for us from time to time.  

Finally we have also had several articles printed in both The Anguillian and The Daily Herald and thank Nat Hodge and Brenda Carty for their assistance in sharing the news of our fundraising, membership drives, education efforts and other news with their readers.” 


Fundraising Committee: 

Fundraising was headed by Althea Turner who has recently resigned and is no longer on island. Her report was presented by Jackie Pascher  …. “Good evening, 

Althea Turner was our Fund Raising Chairman for 2006 and along with her many volunteers did a fantastic job with our fund raising events.  In 2006 we had 3 major fund raisers which were 2 Bingo nights, one in January and one in June and then of course our Annual Yard Sale held in March. 

We are pleased to report the following profit realized from each of these events: 

Jan ‘06 Bingo               US $5908

June ‘06 Bingo             US $4037 

March Yard Sale          US $4613 

Total                            US $ 14,558 

I believe you will agree that this is a significant amount of money raised for our animals and it could not be done without the assistance of the many volunteers who helped at these events.   

In addition to the 3 events we have donation boxes in many stores and outlets around the island and the money deposited in 2006 amounted to close to $3000 USD.  That•s• a lot of coins!  The Airport, Albert Lake, Christine Flemings Grocery store in Long Bay and Barrel Stay Restaurant continue to be the leaders in money collected. 

The revenue from these events funded our spaying/neutering program which helps to decrease the over population of unwanted dogs/cats on the island.  The funds are also used to take care of unwanted animals while AARF finds them new homes. 

Thanks again to Althea Turner and to all of you who volunteered and made it possible for us to help our animals.”

Membership Committee:  

Gayle Gurvey reported that AARF currently has 147 members with a total of 167 the difference being those that still owe dues. Gayle set up an online computerized membership listing this year that automatically reminds people when there dues are due. Gayle has also been working on a new AARF brochure that is being produced by Jo-Anne Mason and should be ready by end of October.

 As the new Fundraising cochairman for 2007 - 08 Gayle also reminded everyone that the next bingo will be on Nov 24th Bingo at Roy•s•, as although no date has been set we will be having our annual garage sale in the Spring.  

Spay & Neuter Committee:  

Suzie Donahue chairman of the Spay & Neuter Committee gave the following information on this project. “In early 2003 I was asked by our then, President Mr. Norris Payne to assist in the development and to manage a spay/neuter program here on Anguilla. Our first clinic was in July of 2003 and included veterinarians and technicians from the United States who joined AARF members in an exhaustive 3 day clinic held at Morlens Veterinary Hospital. This first attempt was successful in many ways, but most importantly in educating the public to the need and the positive results of sterilizing their dogs and cats. We continued the specific time and place clinic another year and then realized that we could do a better job if we offered this free clinic as an ongoing project instead of a once a year event. Dr Vanterpool readily agreed to continue to assist us and in 2005 we began our ongoing clinics.

Our continued concern about our adoptions found us developing an adoption contract and charging a small fee to those that adopted in hopes that the owner - by paying for his new pet would have a bigger stake in his welfare. This new program began in November of 2005 and included the first set of vaccinations and the sterilization surgery and although the $20 fee we charge helps to pay for the vaccinations, AARF pays all the expenses for the actual surgery. We also have many animals that come for surgery that are based on need and our Lehigh Fund – established in memory of David Johnson and the monies from our collection boxes throughout the island contribute to those surgeries. Almost 28% of the surgeries performed so far this year have been need based. You may question how a decision is made if an animal•s• surgery should be based on need and we usually defer to Dr. Vanterpool or Amy to make those decisions, although if you are aware of an animal that you feel needs the surgery and know the owner isn’t able or willing to bring the animal in AARF will certainly entertain any requests – our purpose is after all stopping the births of unwanted puppies and kittens here in Anguilla. 

This year has been another successful one! Since January Dr. Vanterpool assisted by Dr. Valerie Thomas of the Agriculture Department and Veterinary Technician, Amy Williams has performed 166 surgeries including 72 dog spays, 33 dog neuters, 39 cat spays and 22 cat neuters for a total spent of $8415.00. Of those numbers 18 dog spays, 7 dog neuters, 15 cat spays and 9 cat neuters were need based. My job is keeping up with the adoptions and providing an updated list to Morlens of those adoptions and need based animals, contact information and surgery dates, as well as the monies spent on this project and the number of completed surgeries follow up calls to the owners after surgery and other costs at the clinic.

In 2007 AARF estimates we will spend approximately $22,000 dollars on our spay/neuter project plus the daily care of boarding, bathing, feeding and treating the homeless dog/puppies, cat and kittens that are brought to our shelter for adoption.  

We wish to thank Morlens for their continued support of our program and all of our members and advocates for their continued donations to our fundraising events. 

I am pleased to announce that after 4 years AARF has sponsored 809 spay & neuter surgeries for the animals of Anguilla. That total includes 131 Cat Spays, 344 Dog Spays, 114 Cat Neuters and 181 Dog Neuters.

Considering that in 7 years one unspayed female cat and her offspring could produce 420,000 kittens and one unspayed female dog and her offspring could produce 4,372 puppies - we do indeed have much to be proud of!  Thank you. “ 

Adoption /Volunteer Committee: 

Maria Forman as chairman of the Adoption /Volunteer committee presented the  following report. “The Adoption Committee holds an average of 2 adoption days per month, based on the number of animals in AARF•s• care at the time. So far this year, AARF has found homes for 144 animals. 29 male dogs, 68 female dogs, 15 male cats, and 32 female cats, most of whom have also been spayed or neutered. 

Adoption days are usually held in front of supermarkets, and we want to thank Albert Lake•s• Supermarket, Best Buy and Ashley & Sons for their cooperation in letting us use their premises.

Currently we have about 15 active volunteers who help with adoption days, most of whom do a two hour shift about once a month. A BIG thank you to all those who have helped out at adoption days in the past! We are always in need of more volunteers! 

Volunteers are primarily responsible for helping with animal care at the adoption days, and with talking to prospective adopters. We always screen potential adopters, asking questions about where the animal will be kept. We also advise of future shot requirements, mandatory spay/neuter surgery requirements, and proper pet care & nutrition.  

Every new adopter is given a handout detailing proper pet care, and advising of next shot date & contact numbers if they have questions. They are also given a collar & leash (for puppies). 

The second part of our adoption program is Foster care. Since AARF•s• policy is that we will house animals at Morlens Vet Hospital for a maximum of 10 days, we do have situations where a suitable home cannot be found within that time frame. In these cases, we rely on foster parents to care for these animals until the next adoption day, or until a home is found. Foster parents also assist with caring for animals that need special attention, like animals too young for adoption, or needing some extra socialization before they become adoptable.

AARF is ALWAYS in need of more foster care parents. If you are interested in providing temporary care (even if it is only for a few days), please sign up to be a foster parent, and we will call you with more details. I would like to say a special thank you to all those people who have fostered animals within the past year. You have all truly “saved a life”!

We would now like to recognize a special couple who has fostered more animals than we can count. They are always willing to come to the aid of AARF, even taking on Momma dogs with litters, and many special socialization cases. They have gone above & beyond in helping care for these special animals, and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts! I would like to present this award for Foster Parents of the Year to Madeline & Reggie. “

Following the Committee Reports President Carty asked if there were any other business. One question was asked in regard to how many animals AARF had to euthanize. Maria responded that it was a very small amount and that only sick or unsocialized animals would be put down and since the success of the fostering program very few healthy adoptable animals had been euthanized.

Volunteer of the Year Award: 

President Carty began the presentation of the Volunteer of the Year award by saying that when thinking of how to describe this person the first word that came to mind was “gracious”. She continued to say that this person never said NO to any requests for help whether it is fostering, adoption days, and yard sale sorting or working at the actual event, bingo nights or any other events that AARF worked.

She presented the award to Michele Morland.

New Officers: 

Finally President Carty announced that as there were no volunteers to run for office this year an election was not necessary. The following agreed to serve on the board of AARF for the 2007 -2008 term.  

President                               Christine Carty                                             

Vice President                      Suzie Donahue

Secretary                               Kim Fleming

Treasurer                               Jackie Pascher                                

Elected Ordinary Member    Linda Gratton                                    

Elected Ordinary Member    Gayle Gurvey

She also recognized and welcomed Simone Connor who will serve on the board with Gayle Gurvey as the Fundraising co chairmen and announced that  Linda Gratton will be the new Education Chairman.



 President•s• Closing Remarks:  

President Carty announced that AARF has donated to Morlens Veterinary Hospital, which is undergoing major renovations and improvements, US $20,000 dollars to be used for the purchase of an x-ray machine which will benefit all the animals of Anguilla, not just AARF animals. This important piece of medical equipment will make it much easier to facilitate the care of an injured animal here in Anguilla. Chris also announced that AARF will now have our own space – an AARF Shelter – at the newly renovated Morlens Hospital when it is completed that will include office space and a boarding area dedicated to AARF animals. In addition the AARF Board has agreed to pay a small stipend to Amy Williams for all that she does for AARF and has appointed her as the Shelter Manager for the new AARF shelter.  

Chris thanked everyone for attending and everyone for their help, donations and other support this past year.  

There being no other business the President called for the meeting to be adjourned and Maggie Mitchell made the motion, seconded by Amy Williams. The members attending were invited to have a drink after the meeting and several members stayed for dinner as well. 

Pictures below were taken at the AGM.

Board Members from left  - Jackie Pascher, Treasurer, Suzie Donahue, Vice President & Chris Carty, President


AARF Supporter, 7 year old Halimah shares a poster she made for the AGM! She recently helped her

Grandmother Carolyn foster two kittens while she was visiting Anguilla. 



Meeting Attendees


Madeline & Reggie receive the Foster Parent of the Year Award from Maria Forman

 AARF Adoption Day Chairman

Michele Morland receives Volunteer of the Year Award from President Chris Carty



Newly elected Recording Secretary, Kimberly Fleming


Chris Carty, AARF President, announced at the AGM that AARF had donated to Morlens Veterinary Hospital the sum of US$20,000 for the purchase of a new x-ray machine. Dr. Patrick Vanterpool is busily constructing a huge new addition to his existing veterinary facility at Sandy Hill and will be updating most of the premises. One of the many items on Dr. Vanterpool's wish list was an xray machine. In return for this donation, Morlens will continue to house the unwanted puppies and kittens, dogs and cats that are brought to AARF. However, with the new addition AARF will have our own designated area including office and boarding space - essentially our own shelter! We are extremely pleased with this arrangement and most grateful to Dr. Vanterpool for his continuing support of AARF and all that he and Amy have done to make our work possible. Once the building is completed there will be an open house for all to visit the new facility. We look forward with much anticipation to its completion and to at last having a shelter!  







AARF's Volunteer of the Year is Michele Morland. In the time that Michele has been in Anguilla and a member of AARF she has never said no to any requests to assist on AARF projects! She has helped at every one of AARF's many activities including the Bingo and Yard Sale Fundraisers, as well as Membership Drives, Soroptomist Fairs, even baking dog biscuits!! She and her husband Roger and dog Spot are fantastic Foster Parents too! Michele was born in Kenya and lived there, as well as in Lebanon, and Greece before ending up in an English boarding school. On leaving school she moved to London where she met Roger and stayed for the next 20 years.  Whilst in London she worked for 10 years with a real estate agency and then shifted careers to the voluntary sector where she first worked for an AIDS organisation followed by 8 years with a small NGO managing development projects in Africa which focused on poverty alleviation for women.  Roger and Michele moved to the Caribbean in 2001.  Prior to moving to Anguilla, they lived in the British Virgin Islands (where they adopted Spot), followed by Turks and Caicos Islands. AARF congratulates and thanks Michele for all that she has done over the past few years to help make Anguilla a better place for the animals.